• Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 12

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 12

    After you read this chapter you should be able to: Describe various types of network attacks, and identify ways to safeguard against these attacks, including firewalls and intrusion detection software; discuss techniques to prevent unauthorized computer access and use; identify safeguards against hardware theft and vandalism;...

     16 p dthu 23/01/2024 8 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 13

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 13

    This chapter discuss the purpose of the components required for successful communications; describe these uses of computer communications: wireless messaging services, wireless Internet access points, cybercafés, global positioning systems, collaboration, groupware, voice mail, and Web services;

     13 p dthu 23/01/2024 9 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 14

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 14

    This chapter discuss the purpose of the components required for successful communications; describe these uses of computer communications: wireless messaging services, wireless Internet access points, cybercafés, global positioning systems, collaboration, groupware, voice mail, and Web services;

     12 p dthu 23/01/2024 7 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 17

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 17

    This chapter discuss the purpose of the components required for successful communications; describe these uses of computer communications: wireless messaging services, wireless Internet access points, cybercafés, global positioning systems, collaboration, groupware, voice mail, and Web services;

     11 p dthu 23/01/2024 8 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 11

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 11

    This chapter defines system software and discusses two types of system software: operating systems and utility programs. You learn what an operating system is and explore user interfaces, operating systems features, and operating system functions.

     21 p dthu 23/01/2024 4 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 8

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 8

    The following will be discussed in this chapter: described how memory stores data, instructions, and information, and discussed the sequence of operations that occur when a computer executes an instruction. The chapter included a comparison of various microprocessors on the market today.

     16 p dthu 23/01/2024 6 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 9

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 9

    In this lecture we will focus: Fundamentals of computer graphics third edition by peter shirley and steve marschner, interactive computer graphics, a top-down approach with OpenGL (Sixth Edition) by Edward Angel.

     17 p dthu 23/01/2024 5 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 10

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 10

    This chapter explains various storage media and storage devices. Students discover how memory is different from storage. Floppy disks are introduced, and characteristics of a floppy disk, floppy disk drives, care of floppy disks, and high-capacity floppy disks are presented. Hard disks are explained, and students find out about characteristics of a hard disk, how a hard disk works, removable hard disks, hard disk controllers, RAID, and...

     13 p dthu 23/01/2024 4 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 16

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 16

    This chapter discuss the purpose of the components required for successful communications; describe these uses of computer communications: wireless messaging services, wireless Internet access points, cybercafés, global positioning systems, collaboration, groupware, voice mail, and Web services;

     15 p dthu 23/01/2024 7 0

  • Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 15

    Lecture Computer graphics - Lecture 15

    This chapter discuss the purpose of the components required for successful communications; describe these uses of computer communications: wireless messaging services, wireless Internet access points, cybercafés, global positioning systems, collaboration, groupware, voice mail, and Web services;

     16 p dthu 23/01/2024 6 0

  • Giáo trình Lý thuyết đồ họa: Phần 1

    Giáo trình Lý thuyết đồ họa: Phần 1

    Phần 1 của giáo trình "Lý thuyết đồ họa" cung cấp cho học viên những nội dung về: các yếu tố cơ sở của đồ họa; tổng quan đồ họa máy tính; tô màu; xén hình; các phép biến đổi; công thức của các phép chiếu lên màn hình;... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!

     66 p dthu 24/10/2023 42 0

  • Giáo trình Lý thuyết đồ họa: Phần 2

    Giáo trình Lý thuyết đồ họa: Phần 2

    Phần 2 của giáo trình "Lý thuyết đồ họa" tiếp tục cung cấp cho học viên những nội dung về: biểu diễn các đối tượng ba chiều; thiết kế đường và mặt cong Bezier và B-Spline; khử đường và mặt khuất; tạo bóng vật thể 3D;... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!

     80 p dthu 24/10/2023 40 0

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